SBSK was founded by former Special Education teacher Chris Ulmer. Chris was inspired and energized by working with his students every day and wanted to find a way to share their special stories. In 2016, Chris created a video with his students that went viral and Special Books by Special Kids was born. 

Today, Chris travels the world interviewing individuals with special needs that simply want to be accepted for who they are. Chris shares, 

I've learned that everyone has the ability to change people's lives. It can be smiling or saying hello. It doesn't take much to change the world.  


SBSK is a great resource for our host families and professional au pairs. If you are a family with special needs, sharing the videos produced by SBSK can help explain how you'd like others to communicate with your child. Chris has a few pointers for all of us,  

I treat everybody with respect, I am extremely positive and I go into each interaction with the assumption that that person can understand me and they're capable of communicating.  

If you are a host family or professional au pair and you want to teach your children about special needs, we encourage you to visit the SBSK Facebook page.  

Enjoy these beautiful individuals from across the globe!  



Quotes and images from this blog come from the Special Books for Special Kids Facebook page and website