Summer Solstice Traditions from Around the World

Here are 3 international summer solstice traditions.Stockholm, Sweden Many of us are familiar with the idea of the maypole, which Swedes dance around to celebrate the solstice, which they call Midsummer (Midsommar). The maypole is decorated with flowers and ribbons and the day is a joyous celebration! Try building a miniature maypole with your kids to teach them about this fun
Happy Father's Day from apex PROaupair!
Here's a sweet note from one of our professional au pairs, Nina, to her Host Dad, Chris."I'm Nina and a professional au pair in California. I wanted to take the chance to thank my host dad at Father's Day. He isn't a big talker but he shows with all his actions that he is happy
3 Watermelon (or Wassermelone!) Recipes for Kids
Watermelon is very hydrating after playing outside with your children because it contains 92% water and 6% sugar. It’s also full of fiber, potassium, vitamin A and vitamin C! Here are 3 fun watermelon recipes to make with kids this season. Watermelon and Coconut Water SmoothieInspired by this recipe. Ingredients1/4 cup frozen pineapple chunks2 tablespoons cold coconut
Non-Profit Special Books by Special Kids Inspires Millions
SBSK was founded by former Special Education teacher Chris Ulmer. Chris was inspired and energized by working with his students every day and wanted to find a way to share their special stories. In 2016, Chris created a video with his students that went viral and Special Books by Special Kids was born. Today, Chris travels the
5 Things to Do in Germany in the Summer

What does summertime look like in Germany? Here are 5 things to do in Germany during this gorgeous season. Spend Time In Your Schrebergarten A Schrebergarten is a small plot used for gardening that is typically on the outskirts of German cities. A Schrebergarten can be privately rented and typically features a small gardening shed for storage or even a sitting area. Germans love to get