Compare Childcare Options

Not all live-in childcare is created equal. It’s important to understand live-in childcare options: Care Professionals, traditional au pairs and nannies. Apex PROaupair is the only au pair agency that specializes in Care Professionals.

  Apex Social Care Professional Domestic Nanny Traditional
Au Pair
Average hourly cost $20+/hr. for 45 hours per week
* Includes agency fee, insurance, visa and weekly stipend
$25+/hr. for 40 hours per week
* Does not include health insurance and FICA tax
$8/hr. for 45 hours per week
Average hourly cost $20/hr. for 45 hours per week
* Includes agency fee, insurance, visa, flights and weekly stipend
$20+/hr. for 40 hours per week
* Does not include health insurance and FICA tax
About $8/hr. for 45 hours per week
Age Typically 20-26 years varies Typically 18-19 years
Special Training yes varies no
Education Child-related degree
(and/or min. 1 year full-time childcare experience)
varies High School degree
Live-In yes varies yes
Hours per week 45 varies 45
Experience Tend to have 1,000+ hours of childcare experience and professional training varies varies
Will work split schedule yes varies yes
Regulated by the U.S. Department of State yes no yes
Local support yes varies yes