According to a study done by Google, Flamingo and Ipsos Connect, millennial generation dads are particularly heavy users of video-based parenting resources – and more likely than millennial aged moms to turn to YouTube. From the study:

“86% of millennial dads turn to YouTube for guidance on key parenting topics like preparing meals, using a product, or assembling gear. 82% of millennial dads who watch videos on YouTube related to general or pop culture news do so to connect with their children.”

Millennial parents don’t just watch YouTube as a resource for themselves – they also watch it to connect with their children. From the study:

“65% of millennial parents watch YouTube as a parent to share parts of their own childhood with their child. 72% of millennial parents watch YouTube as a parent to stay ‘in the know’ about their children’s world.”

The study also references other ways in which millennial parents are parenting differently than previous generations. For example, millennial parents are more likely to include their children in household decision making – 74% say they do – a number much higher than generation x parents.

But a millennial parent’s life isn’t just about parenting and the study shows there is a concerted effort to ensure their sense of self remains intact. For example, unlike generation x parents, “75% of millennial parents say they have continued to pursue their personal passions since having their child(ren).”

Read the full study results here.