Undiagnosed / Severe
Special needs can encompass a broad spectrum of conditions – from mild learning delays to more severe or undiagnosed disabilities. For families with children with severe or undiagnosed special needs, Apex PROaupair’s professional caregivers provide much-needed support and understanding, as well as specific training and skills that supplement regular visits to doctors and therapists.
Meet Trevor and his professional caregiver Sandra, Occupational Therapist from Germany
Holly, a host mom from California, has three children, including ten-year-old Trevor, who is undiagnosed and has been losing many of the skills and abilities he once had. The family’s au pair, Sandra, a German occupational therapist, works closely with the family to support Trevor and his two younger siblings. The family appreciates Sandra’s specialized training and the benefits of having another adult in the house.
Meet Bella and her professional caregiver Johanna, Occupational Therapist from Germany
“Johanna has a huge heart and a passion for dealing with special needs kids and a passion for children in general,” said Bill, a host father from Maryland who has an eight-year-old daughter named Bella who has global developmental delays that are undiagnosed. Johanna, the family’s au pair and an occupational therapist from Germany, has made a huge difference in Bella’s life and the life of the whole family.