Why is it so important to know your professional au pair’s (and your own) color? As apex PROaupair CEO and Founder Susan Asay puts it,
In times of stress or extraordinary circumstances, a person usually falls back to their natural color, or their natural motive, because that’s where they feel comfortable. When a candidate comes from abroad to the United States, they go to their limit and that’s the time where they fall back to their natural color.
The majority of apex PROaupair professional au pairs are Blues.
Why do Blues make great professional au pairs? Because a Blue’s main motivator is intimacy, otherwise known as relationships. From The Color Code,
Blue are the do-gooders. Intimacy: connecting, creating quality relationships and having purpose, is what motivates and drives these people. They bring great gifts of quality and service and are generally loyal, sincere, and thoughtful.
Blues are also:
And the list goes on!
With these wonderful qualities come some challenges that Blues face, especially in a changing environment. Blues can be:
The best way to have a wonderful relationship with your Blue professional au pair is to recognize that she’s a Blue and encourage her strengths. Here are some things that you can do to support your Blue professional au pair:
-Give her constructive feedback and words of affirmation
-Thank her for her efforts, whether verbally or with a small gesture
-Allow her to create a routine with your children
-Have regular, non-work-related conversations with her
With a Blue, a small amount of consistent positive reinforcements will go a long way. That’s not much to ask when you have such a caring, big-hearted professional au pair!
About The Color Code
The Color Code Personality Assessment test, created by Dr. Taylor Hartman, is a tool that apex PROaupair uses to help host families and au pairs understand how they may interact with one another according to their personality type, or “Color”. All host families and au pairs take this test before matching- in fact, all of apex PROaupair’s staff also know their own color. For a refresher on The Color Code, visit our web page here.
If you are a current host family or professional au pair, you can review your results in your profile and by logging into The Color Code website.