For an amusing, slightly tongue-in-cheek look at parenting resolutions, read Jordan Shapiro’s recent column at Forbes. A contributing writer who focuses on global education, game-based learning and kids, he makes suggestions about rethinking everything from punishment (“writing is the new spanking”) to mealtime (“video games are the new dinner time”) to cultivating curiosity (“Google is not the expert”). From his column:
“We need to find new ways to interact with our kids, new ways to model positive behaviors for living an always-connected life. We need to create new rituals that inherently promote good values for a constantly-networked world. We need to reimagine our home-lives with intention. And we need to do it at a magnitude that mirrors size of the shifts that have already irrevocably changed the rest of our lives. Each year I resolve to play more video games with my kids (and this is one resolution I tend to be pretty good at keeping). This year we got an Xbox One S for the holidays. Everything about it is great so far.”
At Your Tango, life coach Gia Scaringi suggests that while traditional parenting tips are beneficial, it’s the unconventional ideas that make all the difference. With headings such as “end the bedtime struggle…for good,” “make sleeping in a reality,” and “stop limiting screen time” she offers some interesting ideas for improving parenting quality of life in 2017. From her column:
“Bedtime is the only chance some parents get to relax before a new day begins. However, just as children are snuggled into bed, they realize that they need a glass of water. Then, of course, they will need to do a million other things that don’t include sleeping. End this vicious cycle by giving them one "get-out-of-bed-free" card. By giving them the option to get out of bed, but only once, they will be forced to think about whether they really want to use up their one chance to get out of bed for the night.”
If you are the parent of a child with special needs, Friendship Circle offers a list of 25 parenting goals designed to cut parents a break. Each goal offers the “lofty” option (attainable only by the perfect parent that we know lives deep inside of us) turned into a more manageable “realistic” goal (for the parent we are on most days). Some examples from the blog post:
Lofty goal #4: I will find adaptive clothing to increase my child’s comfort and attentiveness at school.
Realistic resolution: I’ll be happy with anything my child will agree to wear.
Lofty goal #11: I will keep control of my emotions.
Realistic resolution: I will try to give everyone a warning to clear out before I blow.
Lofty goal #20: I will exercise a little every day.
Realistic resolution: I will wear a pedometer while I chase my child around.
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