Finding the Right Childcare for Your Child With Special Needs
For many families with children with special needs, traditional childcare offerings such as daycare centers don’t offer the individualized care that is required. For these families a live-in option, such as a nanny or an au pair, may be a better choice.Holly, a mother of three in San Francisco, has a 10 year-old-son, Trevor, who
Life Animated: A Coming-Of-Age Story about A Boy With Autism
“Life Animated” is a coming-of-age story about a boy with autism, Owen Suskind, who uses animated Disney films to communicate and understand the world around him. Directed by Academy Award-winning director Roger Ross Williams, the film is based on a book by Ron Suskind, Owen’s father and a Pulitzer Prize winning writer.The Suskind’s story will
Meet Sarah Osburg, Returning Professional Au Pair and Preschool Teacher
The J1 au pair program provides young women and men between the ages of 18 and 26 the opportunity to live with an American host family, care for their children, and experience life in another culture, for up to two years. Once au pairs finish the program, however, they must return to their home country.
It’s Tax Time – Useful Tax information for PROaupair Host Families
Note: all tax information provided by PROaupair is general in nature regarding U.S. income tax requirements of au pairs working in the U.S. as part of the J-1 au pair program. For specific questions, please speak with a professional tax advisor or accountant. PROaupair, our staff, and Area Directors are not able to provide additional
It’s time for Fasching (the German Mardi Gras)!
Individuals who follow the Roman Catholic or Christian Orthodox religions in Germany, Austria and Switzerland often celebrate Fasching, with Munich holding one of the larger celebrations (the term Fasching is used mostly in southern Germany). Massive parades are held with both parade participants and observers dressing up. Much like Mardi Gras, parade participants will throw